
// ABOUT ✎


Maybe you’re currently working on becoming a better person, more responsible, or more caring for our planet.

Maybe you are looking for some inspiration, knowledge, or culture.

Or maybe you’re just a curious person who has landed here by chance…


In any case, WELCOME!

Thank you for being here, so glad you’re reading this right now ♪

Mihoki Portrait Photo | Mihoki Shares Growth Art Travel

The Purpose

I’ve created this website to share my most life-changing tips for a more fulfilling life while having a positive impact on the world. 

Why? Well, I believe that life is not about growing and learning in our corner, but rather sharing and spreading joy around.

From what I experienced, if we want to contribute to a better world, it starts by being in love with ourselves and our values. 


Besides my blog, you will also find my art and other projects, that I hope, will inspire you likewise!

Oh, and by the way, I also write about personal development, art, travel, languages, health, culture, and philosophy, because there are my favorite topics! 

I’d be happy to share with you anything valuable 🙂


If I say multifaceted, eclectic or multi-potentiality…? 

These words are all linked to the same idea: having (too) many interests.

It led me to the struggle which ones should I commit to?“. 

But as Emilie Wapnick said in her TED Talk, I just accepted that no one can decree me to specialise in one field. I’m free to make a living from all my passions.

That’s why I aim to become a wise engaged world-nomad traveler activist polyglot artist blogger! If you please!

So here are some facts about me:

  • I’m a freelance Illustrator and graphic designer
  • I’m a french girl studying at the Sorbonne University in Paris
  • I play the piano and recently started the Cello
  • I love sports! I do Rock-climbing/bouldering, yoga, pilates, and aerial silk
  • I meditate and read every morning, it’s very important for me
  • I embrace the healthy lifestyle cliché haha
  • I chose to not eat any animals and anything that come from them (for ethical, environmental, and health reasons)
  • I am aiming to minimalism and zero waste lifestyle as much as I can
  • Since June 2019 I pledged to myself to not take planes anymore (for the environment), but I’m still currently wandering around the world
  • I speak French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Esperanto, and currently improving my German and Russian
  • My favorite book since childhood is Le Petit Prince

Mihoki Portrait - Mihoki Shares - art- growth - travel

Thanks for your attention!

 If you’re interested you can download my free ebook about the best lessons I’ve learned so far or read this article about the most important life lessons I learned in 18 years!

Also, if you share any common interest with me and you want to talk about, don’t hesitate to send me a message on my contact page or at mihokishares@gmail.com, it will be with pleasure

See you soon! ☺

Signature Mihoki Blog Post