
A Day in my Life – Student in Venice (during Coronavirus)

Hei dear you! During the Coronavirus quarantine (March 2020), I thought it would be interesting to share my morning and evening routine through a day in my life video!

I really hope it can be inspiring or give you new ideas for your daily habits!

I also tried to depict the atmosphere of Venice at the beginning of the quarantine.

Despise the rules, there were still many people outside, I was really surprised!

I thought it would be even more interesting to film this during my “grocery” day.

So basically, my main focus recently is keeping up my habits of doing some morning exercises, mindfulness, language studies… Then my online lessons from university, and when I have free time, just enjoying it by learning, reading, creating, online call with a friend, etc…

My evening routine is not really fixed, it’s more a mix of how I feel. For example, the day I filmed the video I was in my piano and Netflix mood!

Well, I hope you enjoyed it and that helped you in whatsoever way ๐Ÿ˜€

Have a nice day!

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