This page is not compulsory, but I really wanted to thank all the artists that indirectly contributed to this website!
First, thank you Paola Ledderucci for the beautiful photo you took for me ❤
Concerning the photos I use for my blog posts, they are all commercial free use. The majority of them come from Viktor Hanacek website. But I also use Pixabay and Kaboompics. Thanks to all these artists who share their work!!
Moreover, I also want to thank Marta Konyk for sharing for free her icons! I used them for the sidebar of my Blog. I just added myself the Esperanto Star in the same style to match the aesthetic.
There are a lot of others person to thank too, like the ones who programmed the plugins I use, or those who created themes templates I customized etc. So big hug to all of you!
Finally, thank you Morgane for your trust and patience!
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